Soft plastic items we collect

Soft plastic is a plastic that can be easily scrunched in your hand.

Please make sure all plastic is clean and dry to prevent mould.

  • Biscuit packaging
  • Bread bags
  • Bubble wrap
  • Cereal box liners
  • Chocolate wrappers
  • Citrus netting bags
  • Cling wraps
  • Confectionary packets and bags
  • Courier satchels
  • Fresh produce bags
  • Frozen foods bags
  • Muesli bar wrappers
  • Newspaper wrap
  • Pasta and noodle packaging
  • Plastic film
  • Plastic sachets
  • Reusable shopping/grocery bags
  • Rice bags
  • Shopping centre plastic bags
  • Silver lined chip bags
  • Snap-lock bags
  • Squeeze pouches
  • Sturdy pet food bags

What happens to the soft plastics?
We are partnered with APR Plastics, a soft plastic recycling facility in Victoria. Click here for more information on our process.

As always, we’re here to help. Reach out to our customer service team if you have any questions.

Soft plastics are plastics that can be scrunched. Pack your soft plastics like a pro. Click here to find out how.


RecycleSmart is not responsible for the data protection of waste.