Frequently Asked Questions
RecycleSmart Home
Items we collect
Preparing for your pickup
On the day of your pickup
Payment, bookings and cancellations
Something wrong?
What happens after a pickup?
Council-Specific FAQs
RecycleSmart Gift Card
Data and Privacy
Ship-to-Us Service
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Frequently Asked Questions
Items we collect
Preparing for your pickup
On the day of your pickup
Payment, bookings and cancellations
Something wrong?
What happens after a pickup?
Council-Specific FAQs
RecycleSmart Gift Card
Data and Privacy
Ship-to-Us Service
How do you track what happens to the items you collect?
How do I book a pickup?
Do we need to be there for collection?
How do I add a note for the driver?
How do we change the Pickup date?
How do we change the Pickup quantity?
How do I make payments?
Can I set up recurring collections?
How to manage multiple locations through one account?
How does the Business Pickup work?
How does the Office Pack work?